It's that time of the year again when my Youtube feed is filling up with spooky makeup and costume ideas. Since I've created some blood-drenched makeup looks in the past I thought I will share some of those looks with you in this post, to help you get into the spirit. Warning, it'll be a picture heavy post!

It’s important to let you know, that I’m not and sfx (special effects) artist, I’m just trying to teach myself different techniques and I still have a lot to learn. But I enjoy playing around whenever I have the time, and that’s how the following creations were born.

This Miss Frankenstein was one of my favourite looks I’ve ever created. It’s slightly time-consuming, it took me about 2,5 hours. I reckon it doesn’t take that much time if you do it on someone else, but it can be hard if you try to do all the little details on yourself.

This was the first time I’ve ever used liquid latex, and my gorgeous friend was nice enough to let me try it on her. Thank you, Mihaela!

Obviously, once you’ve done joker, you inevitably have to create his one and only Harley Quinn too.

If you decide to do Harley, make sure to get the writing right. It can be tricky to write the letters the other way around. The easiest way to do it, just get a piece of paper, and write it down there, then hold it in front of a mirror, to check if you got it right. Then all you have to do is follow that cheat sheet on your cheek.

If you do something like this, you have to use some elastic threads (or just paint the lines on) otherwise you’re not gonna be able to talk or drink. Eating might not be an option with something like this…

Obviously, you can go a lot more gory with a zombie, mine was just a stage one creature, who was in the process of turning into a zombie. She was bitten by a zombie and was shot in the head, that’s what kickstarted the whole transformation … At least this is my story behind it. 🙂

You can paint your whole face, but I rather like this half skull half human option. Do whatever you want, have fun with it, add pops of colour.

This is all for today, but if anyone wants details on how I got the final results let me know and I can do a dedicated post for the looks.

Have a lovely day!