For the longest time, I have been contemplating whether to start my own beauty channel on Youtube or not. Would I be able to do it, though? Would anyone want to watch it with so many amazing creators out there already?

I am still not sure about any of the answers, but recently I’ve decided to do it anyway.

I have been thinking about launching my own Youtube channel for years, but I never had enough courage to do so. I always found an excuse. I am to busy/ I don”t have the right equipment / I don’t know how to edit a video, etc.

You know what? I am still figuring these things out as I go and it’s so much fun. SLightly nervewracking yes, but still fun. Even if no one decides to watch my videos, I have still gained some new knowledge.

I realized, that I will always find excuses, and I might never be the next Zoella, but it doesn’t matter. I will be just me and enjoy the process as I go along.

I love this blog, but I always felt that some content would be just easier to explain in a video format. Reviews are perfect on the blog, but I think tutorials would be more visually pleasing and straight forward in a video.

What do you think? If you have any tips or tricks for me, please let me know, it would be much appreciated.

Have a lovely day!

From now on you’ll be able to find every future Youtube video at a separate page here on my blog (top right corner) and I will also add a little icon on the bottom of the page next to my other social media icons, so it’s easy to reach.

Till the of you want to take a peek at my channel, just click here:

So far there are only two videos, and only one of them is new, but I have loads more waiting to be edited.