Everyone and their grandmas are talking about foot peeling masks and since sandal weather is approaching I thought I will give them a try. (Warning: if you don't like pictures of feet, avoid this post entirely or just don't scroll down)

With the warm weather approaching, we all tend to give a bit more attention to our poor feet, after they’ve been neglected all winter.  All of a sudden everyone is trying to book in for a good pedicure to get those feet in tip-top shape.

What if there is another option though? For a while now I wanted to try one of those intense at home foot peel treatments, and I found this one day while browsing in Sally’s. It was fairly inexpensive so I thought I will give it a shot.

I got really excited as I heard so many stories of how disgusting but at the same time really satisfying these peels are and your feet will be comparable to a baby’s. I was ready!

I slipped on my little booties and sat around at home trying to relax while the chemicals worked their magic. Once you remove them you are not supposed to wash your feet with any kind of soap for 7 days, only lukewarm water. So I rinsed my feet as instructed waiting for the magic to happen… And I kept waiting and waiting.

Till about day 4 all I felt was really dry and itchy skin on my feet, as you can’t apply any moisturizers either for the following week. Around the end of day 4 is when the peeling effect kicked in |(nothing till then) and my feet started to resemble a rotting zombie… So much that my boyfriend asked me to sleep in socks so I don’t leave dead skin bits all over our bedsheets…Fair enough. The whole peeling process lasted about 2 days and it was over.

While that was oddly satisfying and by the end of the process, my feet were smoother in places I really missed that wow effect everyone was talking about. Overall it made my feet too itchy and dry and it didn’t take off all the hard skin in the rougher areas.


Maybe I just tried the wrong brand? Please leave any other cruelty-free recommendations below.

I will attach some progress pictures as well, just so you can see what I am talking about. If you don’t like pictures of feet, please don’t scroll down.

Hopefully this was helpful to you.

What do you think? Have you tried a foot peel before?

Have a lovely day!